Evolution of the therapeutic management of myopia in Argentina: therapeutic map 2023
myopia, therapeutic management, preferred practices, public healthAbstract
Objective: Considering that myopia has become a pandemic, this study aims to analyze the therapeutic approach to myopia in Argentina based on a survey conducted in 2023.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study based on a survey developed by the Myopia Study Group of Argentina with questions disseminated from the networks of the Argentine Council of Ophthalmology (CAO). The questions were asked in order to obtain data from the professional practice in relation to the new treatments available by scientific evidence for the control of myopia progression in childhood.
Results: In 2023, 283 responses were obtained from a universe of more than 5000 ophthalmologists from the EAC. We detected that super dilute atropine was the most commonly used option by 79.7% of pediatric ophthalmologists, and 52.7% of general ophthalmologists. Recommendations to achieve at least 2hrs of daily outdoor exposure are used by 100% of pediatric ophthalmologists and 97.1% of general ophthalmologists. Decreasing the time of near activities was suggested by 100% of pediatric ophthalmologists and 42.8% of general ophthalmologists.
Conclusions: The therapeutic approach to myopia is close to consensus recommendations. We suggest from the Myopia Study Group to define programs to present the scientific evidence to the medical community, through different means of communication, in order to optimize the results for the prevention of myopia in the long term.
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