Does paper type affect reading performance? Concordance study using sugarcane paper


  • Rodrigo M. Torres ROMAT Creator Center, Colonia Avellaneda (Entre Ríos), Argentina
  • Gustavo J. Galperín Hospital Lagleyze, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Juan S. Rivero Oftalmo Medicina Ocular, Córdoba, Argentina
  • Pablo Daponte Centro Integral de Salud Visual Dr. Daponte, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Daniel Sabella Instituto Oftalmológico Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • María J. Botta Consultorios Botta Ruiz, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Nicolás Garcés Clínica Santa Lucía, San Juan, Argentina
  • Roberto Albertazzi Centro de Ojos Quilmes, Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Virginia Zanutigh Centro de Ojos Quilmes, Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina



sugarcane paper, near visión, reading, reading time, blinking rate


Objective: To evaluate the concordance level with respect to reading performance, between standard white paper and paper produced from sugarcane.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was developed to compare four versions of the Byromat-CAO reading chart, defined as PBlack, PNatBlack, PBlue and PNatBlue, according to paper type (Nat: Ledesma paper, Argentina) and ink color (black “Black” or blue: “Blue”). The population evaluated was ophthalmologists attending a congress (November 2023). Near visual acuity (VA), total reading time and number of blinks were evaluated. A Pearson linear regression test was performed and the level of agreement was analyzed using the Bland-Altman test (p<0.05 = statistically significant).

Results: A total of 104 ophthalmologists participated, with a mean age of 39.1 ±12.4 years. No statistical differences were found for VA (p: 0.72), obtaining a positive correlation (R2:0.83; p: 0.02), with a good agreement level in the Bland-Altman analysis. Regarding total reading time, when comparing between independent groups, a lower reading time was observed for PNatBlack vs PBlack (p 0.03) and for PNatBlue vs PBlue (p: 0.04). Flicker frequency was statistically lower (p<0.001) for PNatBlue and PNatBlack.

Conclusions: Near visual acuity proved equivalent between the four variants, however reading time and blink rate were lower, with the sugarcane paper, resulting in advantages for reading performance.


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How to Cite

2024. Does paper type affect reading performance? Concordance study using sugarcane paper. Oftalmología Clínica y Experimental. 17, 2 (Jul. 2024), e241-e254. DOI:

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