Consenso Latinoamericano de Lubricantes Oculares y Ojo Seco (LUBOS)
tear film, ocular surface, dry eye, artificial tears, ocular lubricants, consensus, Latin AmericaAbstract
The tear film has a complex composition allowing it fulfill multiple functions, such as optical, lubrication, immunological, endocrine, and neurotrophic, which are relevant for visual health. Alterations in its components, both in quality and quantity, will affect its homeostasis, also impacting the ocular surface, leading to a condition known as “dry eye”. Dry eye has a high global prevalence, which is further increasing due to environmental factors (mainly screen mainly) and the overall rise in life expectancy. Several products are available for its treatment, but lubricants, generally referred to as “artificial tears”, continue to be crucial. There is a wide variety of lubricant formulations with different indications, which, when used appropriately according to the type and severity of dry eye, allow for effective customized treatment. Considering the complexity and relevance of this issue, the Latin American Study Group on Lubricants and Dry Eye (LUBOS) was formed. This work represents a consensus with the aim of creating a diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for dry eye, focused on the proper use of lubricants, providing practical guidance for general ophthalmologists.
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