Prevalence of myopia, outdoor exposure and screen time at university entrance in Bahía Blanca urban environment


  • Adriana Cecilia Borelli Secretariat of Health of Bahía Blanca, Bahía Blanca, Argentina
  • Ignacio Buffone Secretariat of Health of Bahía Blanca, Bahía Blanca, Argentina
  • Ezequiel Jouglard National University of the South, Bahía Blanca. Argentina
  • Ayelén Mérida National University of the South, Bahía Blanca. Argentina
  • Walter Villalba National University of the South, Bahía Blanca. Argentina
  • Rafael Iribarren Doctors Iribarren Eye Consultants, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Retina Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina



myopia, outdoor, screens, reading


Objective: Myopia is one of the main causes of spectacle wear in university students. Factors contributing to its development are screen time, reading and outdoor exposure. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of myopia in university students in the city of Bahía Blanca, and to establish whether outdoor exposure, screen use and reading are all are related to myopia.

Material and methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. University entrants during 2022 were included. Visual screening and completion of a form was performed to determine outdoor, reading and screen exposure. Those who did not pass the visual acuity test were referred for ophthalmological exam. The prevalence of myopia was calculated and binary logistic regression was used to determine the association of exposure factors.

Results: In all, 413 university students were evaluated with visual acuity testing. A total of 115 students who not passed the visual acuity test, attended for diagnosis, with 95 presenting myopia. The prevalence of myopia was 27.2% (95%CI=22.9-31.5%). The OR for outdoor exposure was less than 1, while for screens and reading it was greater than 1, although the results were not statistically significant.

Conclusion: A moderate prevalence of myopia was demonstrated. Outdoor exposure was high compared to other studies. No association of myopia with exposure factors was found.




How to Cite

Borelli, A.C., Buffone, I., Jouglard, E., Mérida, A., Villalba, W. and Iribarren, R. 2024. Prevalence of myopia, outdoor exposure and screen time at university entrance in Bahía Blanca urban environment. Oftalmología Clínica y Experimental. 17, 02 (Jul. 2024). DOI:



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