Dilemas bioéticos en trasplante de córnea: su importancia en México y alrededor del mundo en 2021


  • Arturo Iván Pérez Pacheco Centro Oftalmológico Hospital Star Médica Querétaro, México
  • Vanessa Nohemí Pérez Pacheco Centro Oftalmológico Hospital Star Médica Querétaro, México




trasplante, córnea, bioética, México


Bioethical dilemmas in corneal transplantation are a very interesting topic and worthy of analysis, because this is the most frequent and highly transplanted tissue worldwide, having the potential benefit-effect on patients for recovering vision. Today international statistics indicate that out of every 70 patients required for a cornea, only one is available for transplantation. The first corneal transplant performed in the world was in 1906, that is to say little more than 100 years. For the year 2018 in the United States, the waiting lists with the concept of racial ethnicity were 42% whites, 29% African American, 19% Hispanic and Latinos, 10% Asian. Globally documented misinformation regarding corneal transplantation by students, patients, and staff allows a clear view of the need presented. The objective is to report bioethical dilemmas regarding corneal trasplantation and its importance in Mexico and worldwide in the year 2021. It was documented that by itself altruism and donation are not enough to generate a revolution in the face of the growing problem. Involvement, transparency and commitment are necessary. 



How to Cite

Pérez Pacheco, A.I. and Pérez Pacheco, V.N. 2022. Dilemas bioéticos en trasplante de córnea: su importancia en México y alrededor del mundo en 2021. Oftalmología Clínica y Experimental. 15, 2 (Jun. 2022). DOI:https://doi.org/10.70313/2718.7446.v15.n2.141.



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